It takes a build a LEED home
Sunday, May 29, 2011 at 03:04PM
Janet Katz

After we bought the property and had renters settled in the existing house, we set about trying to find the right team to help us build our green home.  


We had been living “green”….recycling, composting, gardening, supporting local farmers, replacing standard light bulbs with CFL’s, driving fuel efficient cars….for many years.  We had been going to local Home Shows and watching “This Old House”….since we were married.  This background was helpful, but to build a LEED certified home we needed talented professionals on our team who had walked this road before.


We knew building a LEED home meant doing things very differently than building the typical subdivision home.   So we wanted to work with people who “got it” and wouldn’t look at us like we were crazy when we chose to spend extra money on lots of insulation or solar panels.  We wanted people on our team who were willing to push us and to be pushed by us to work outside of our respective comfort zones in designing and building a home that was as green as it was beautiful.


So we set out to find partners on this journey who not only were knowledgeable about how to build a LEED home, but also shared our passion for sustainability and our vision for designing a lovely farmhouse surrounded by gardens, orchards and prairie.

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